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How to install accessWidget on a Hubspot website
1. From within your dashboard area, click on the ‘Settings’ icon in the top right corner.
2. On the left side menu click on ‘Website’ and then click on ‘Pages’.
3. Within the ‘Templates’ page, scroll down to the ‘Site footer HTML’. In the blank ‘Site footer HTML’ field, paste the implementation script you received from us when you registered your site for our service.
If you do not have an implementation script go to your accessiBe account, click on the ‘Installation’ page. You also have the option to choose the ‘Advanced & Customized Installation’ if you have decided to customize the solution according to your website’s brand design.
4. After pasting the code, click ‘Save’ and publish your site for changes to take effect.
That's it! You have successfully installed the accessiBe system on your site and it is now making your site accessible.