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How to install accessWidget on a Squarespace website
Install the accessiBe plugin, accessWidget, using custom code to help make your Squarespace site accessible.
Note: At the time of writing this guide, this feature is only available on Squarespace’s Business and Commerce Plans.
1. Log into Squarespace and in the Dashboard select your website.
2. In the menu go to Website and then select Website Tools.
3. Select Code Injection.
4. In the Footer text box, paste the installation code that you received from us when you registered your site for our service in the text box. If you don't have an installation code go to your accessiBe account, select Installation and copy the installation code. You can also customize your widget to match your brand's design in the Customized Installation section.
5. After pasting the code, select Save in the upper left.
Good work! You've installed accessWidget, helping to make your site accessible.
For more information see our Website Onboarding Guide and follow the instructions to ensure proper installation and performance.