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What types of disabilities does accessWidget help with?
accessWidget was initially developed side by side with people with disabilities and is continuously developed in this manner. This way, we are able to keep up with the various needs and adjustments that people with disabilities need. By analyzing their experiences of surfing the web, what their difficulties are, and seeing how accessWidget helps, we developed all of accessWidget’s features. This includes the entire technological and conceptual line that leads to the nature of its activities.
accessWidget’s interface helps people with the following disabilities browse and interact with websites:
- Epilepsy
- Visual impairments, including elderly people
- Cognitive and learning disabilities
- Blindness
- Motor impairments
For each type of disability, accessWidget offers a different set of tools that enables users to modify the site for themselves in the best way possible. accessWidget’s interface also offers bundled accessibility combinations in the form of Accessibility Profiles. Once the user designates the profile that most resembles their needs, they can activate various features simultaneously.
Website optimization for screen readers used by blind users
Most websites are inaccessible to blind individuals because their sites have not been formatted for use with screen readers. accessWidget solves this problem by utilizing a combination of machine learning AI processes, as well as IRIS and OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technologies to add the necessary ARIA attributes and ALT text to websites that allow users to browse sites easily and accurately. Our process has been designed and tested with blind individuals to ensure functionality through all aspects of a website.
Keyboard Navigation for users with motor impairments
Some of the most difficult tasks in creating a compliant website are the changes necessary to make a website navigable by keyboard. Users who suffer from motor disabilities, arthritis, muscle weakness, and anything that relates to difficulty using a mouse are at an automatic disadvantage when using websites. accessWidget overcomes this barrier with the use of a Contextual Understanding AI, which automatically adjusts the website at the code level. This allows users with these specific impairments to browse the entirety of a site by using only their keyboard.
Design adjustments for the visually impaired
People with visual impairments may have trouble seeing content on a website clearly due to font size, font shape, color combinations, image size, saturation, and so on. The accessibility interface allows the user to modify the content of the site to best suit their specific disability. They can make adjustments to the sizing, colors, contrasts, saturation, fonts, and more.
Seizure safe for epileptic users
For individuals who suffer from photo-sensitive epilepsy, websites can contain dangerous elements such as a flashing image or popup that could appear and potentially trigger a seizure. accessWidget allows epileptic users to stop all flashing animations or gifs and reduces dangerous color combinations.
Comprehension adjustments for users with cognitive disorders
Individuals who suffer from cognitive disorders, such as autism, dyslexia and others, face difficulty in comprehending websites and aren’t able to fully understand the content, product, or offer. accessWidget includes an online quick-access dictionary, which allows users to identify unfamiliar words, abbreviations, and phrasing that they do not understand. It also includes focus and orientation adjustments for users to easily navigate a website.