Meet the Unstoppables 
Raising awareness for inclusionThese community leaders are just a small example of what is possible when barriers to access are removed.
Hoby has been completely blind since birth. He is a scientist, an entrepreneur, a sensory expert, and is...
Meet Dr.HobyKyle was born with a rare condition known as congenital amputation, that left him with arms that end at the...
Meet KyleMichael is blind from birth and is accessiBe’s Chief Vision Officer. After graduating from high school...
Meet MichaelAimee lost a leg, foot, and hands after acquiring a bacterial infection. She is dedicated to helping people...
Meet AimeeDavid is legally blind and hard of hearing. After graduating from Stanford Law School in 1983, David pursued...
Meet DavidDom was born with a severe form of Osteogenesis Imperfecta (AKA, Brittle Bone Disease). He had more than 25...
Meet DomHeather has been hearing impaired since birth but this didn’t stop her from following her dreams. She...
Meet HeatherJosh works with accessiBe as the Community Relations Manager. Josh’s life was flipped upside down at...
Meet JoshJonathan was a filmmaker and an extreme unicyclist prior to suffering a spinal cord injury at age 19 when his...
Meet JonathanGrowing up with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Martyn faced multiple personal challenges and successfully chased...
Meet MartynSheldon is a blind entrepreneur, working at accessiBe as a Nonprofit Partnerships manager. Sheldon was...
Meet SheldonJim was diagnosed with ALS in 2013 which has since increasingly affected his physical movements and...
Meet JimKelley became a T-12 paraplegic as a passenger in a car wreck when she was 16 years old. She is the founder...
Meet KelleyNate has Nystagmus, a vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements and results...
Meet NathanielEmily has cerebral palsy and a speech condition. Emily is a conservatory student in Washington DC and a...
Meet EmilyJackie was born vision impaired and has progressively lost her eyesight as she grew up. Providing services to...
Meet JackieTilea has optic nerve hypoplasia that results in low vision. After graduating from the University of Georgia...
Meet TileaAnton is a C4-5 Quadriplegic following a car accident at the age of 16 in Jamaica while visiting family...
Meet AntonJohn is a C5/6 Quadriplegic due to a car accident in 1999. He is a photographer and is into fitness such as...
Meet JohnCorey "PHEEZ" Lee is a C4-C5 complete quadriplegic. He is a Navy Veteran who served aboard the USS Theodore...
Meet Corey